Dr Maleki has received Mitacs Globalink Research Award
Dr. Maleki and her Canadian PhD fellow have received Mitacs Globalink Research Award with $8000 for conducting research on new microfluidic based design of polymer-ceramic microaerogels for bacterial disinfection of water.
Mitacs Globalink builds a living bridge between Canada and international partners by establishing and reinforcing global
links through student mobility. The Mitacs Globalink Research Award is an exciting initiative that provides the opportunity for faculty members and students at Canadian academic institutions and to build an international research network and undertake research abroad.https://www.mitacs.ca/en/programs/globalink/globalink-research-award
New published papers in Langmuir and ACS Applied Nano Materials
1. Noor Al-Jawuschi, Shiyi Chen, Nahal Abi, Thomas Fischer, Silvia Fare, Hajar Homa Maleki*, Self-Assembly-Driven Bi2S3 Nanobelts Integrated a Silk-Fibroin-Based 3D-Printed Aerogel-Based Scaffold with a Dual-Network Structure for Photothermal Bone Cancer Therapy, ACS Langmuir 2023, 39, 12, 4326–4337.
2. Matteo Paolieri,, Zihao Chen, Firoz Babu Kadumudi, Morteza Alehosseini, Melanie Zorrón, Alireza Dolatshahi-Pirouz, Hajar Maleki*, Biomimetic Flexible Electronic Materials from Silk Fibroin-MXene Composites Developed via Mussel-Inspired Chemistry as Wearable Pressure Sensors, ACS Applied Nano Materials, https://doi.org/10.1021/acsanm.2c05140
Keynote lecture in workshop on #biomaterials for dental, cranio-maxillofacial reconstruction and bone regeneration today
Keynote lecture, INDO-GERMAN WORKSHOP ON BIOFABRICATION: EMERGING BIOMATERIALS, MACHINES & DIGITAL TOOLS (IGBMDT-2023), Sastra University - Ruhr University of Bochum, Thanjavur, India, Feb 21-25.
My talk at Center of Molecular Medicine Cologne
DFG project is approved
Maleki's lab is very honored to receive a research fund with a volume of 340K€ from the #Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - German Research Foundation to continue the group promising research on #designing smart #biomimetic 3D hybrid #aerogel based scaffolds for bone cancer therapy and bone repair.
Many thanks to Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - German Research Foundation for such a generous support.
In this #project, we will specifically focus on the #fabrication of a series of bifunctional biopolymer-ceramic composite aerogel-based scaffolds combining a bone cancer treatment and new bone tissue and vasculature formation through a synergistic combination of surface modification, self-assembly, and 3D printing strategies.
The project will run in a collaboration with my great mentor Prof. Sanjay Mathur (University of Cologne), and other national and international collaboration partners mainly Prof. Aldo Boccaccini (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), and Prof. João F. Mano. (CICECO - Aveiro Institute of Materials).
I'm very much looking forward to establishing new collaborations within the scope of this and other upcoming future projects with more experts in the field.
Hiring a Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (WHB or WHS)
A proactive and highly motivated Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (WHB or WHS) for working in some intersting research projects with the main topic on aerogels for tissue engineering in the dynamic and productive lab of Dr. Maleki is needed. Interested candidate should send their application to Dr. Maleki via h.maleki@uni-koeln.de
P-Module: Biological and bioinspired materials (MN-P-C-AC)
This module will focus on understanding the basic concepts used in forming natural materials for the synthesis and engineering of high-performance functional biomaterials. Fundamental aspects regarding their properties control, structural formation, and their function as structural materials will be highlighted. In addition, other essential aspects regarding their interactions with biological media, stimuli responsiveness, shape morphing, drug-releasing, and tissue engineering will be presented.
Dr. Maleki became a topic editor in the Biomedicine, Impact factor: 4.7
Dr. Maleki became a topic editor in the Frontiers in Materials
We are editing a apecial issue in Frontiers in Materials , Polymeric and Composite Materials
Research Topic
Advances in Functional Aerogels: Preparation, Properties, and Applications
New grant is awarded

Dr. Maleki has got a new grant from university of Cologne for Female Professors Programme III “Kopf frei”.
Guest Editor for Applied Sciences
Dr. Maleki serves as the Guest Editor for Applied Sciences (https://lnkd.in/eb6gGqk (CiteScore 2.52; IF 2.217)) for a Special Issue entitled "Functional 3D Porous Nanostructured Materials-Aerogels". Those who are working in the field are very welcome to submit their work. Further can be found here.