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Working Group (AG) - Maleki

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Hajar Maleki

Address Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Cologne, Greinstrasse 6, 50939 Cologne
Room office: 213, lab: 215 
Phone +49 (0)  221 470-1981

E-mail: h.malekiSpamProtectionuni-koeln.de 

Researcher ID: A-9926-2016
Orcid ID: 0000-0002-2813-4700

Google Scholar


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Professional Experiences


Associated Junior Research Group Leader – Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne, CMMC Research Center

2019 – present

Junior Research Group Leader supported by German Science Foundation (DFG) and German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences/ Department of Chemistry/ Institute of Inorganic Chemistry/ University of Cologne/ Cologne/ Germany,

Mentor: Prof. Dr. Sanjay Mathur

2016 – 2018   

Postdoctoral Fellowship (principal investigator) - Lise Meitner - Austrian Science Fund (FWF). Chemistry and Physics of Materials/ Materials Chemistry Division/Paris Lodron University Salzburg/ Salzburg/ Austria,

Mentor: Prof. Dr. Nicola Huesing

2015 - 2016  

Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Department of Chemical Engineering/ University of Coimbra/ Coimbra/ Portugal

Mentor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Portugal

09.2015 – 06.2016:

Career break due to maternity leave

2012 – 2015  

Marie-Curie-Early-Stage Researcher - Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Coimbra (UC), Coimbra, Portugal

Mentor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Portugal

05/2011 – 09/2011

Visiting Scholar - Biocant - Biotechnology Innovation Center, University of Coimbra (UC), Cantanhede, Portugal

Mentor: Prof. Dr. Lino Ferreira

2008 - 2011  


Research assistant - Institute for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (INST), Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Tehran, Iran.

Research group: Prof. Dr. Arash Simchi



May 11, 2023

Habilitation (Venia legendi) in Inorganic Chemistry

 Multifunctional Bio-inspired Silk-based Hybrid Porous Materials: Rational Design and 3D Printing for Theragenerative Applications

Dec 10, 2014

Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering – Nanomaterials: Magna Cum Laude, GPA: 18 from 20.

Development of Mechanically Reinforced Polymer-Silica Aerogel for Thermal Insulation in Space Applications

PI: Antonio Portugal, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal

Sep 13, 2008    


Master in Organic Chemistry, GPA: 17.45 from 20.

A comparative study of catalyzed rearrangement of allyloxy- coumarins and allyloxynaphthalenes to dihydrofurocoumarins and dihydronaphthofurans.

PI: Mohammad Reza Saidi Department of Chemistry, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.

Jun 30, 2006    

Bachelor in Chemistry, GPA: 16.02 from 20

Energetic Polymers

PI: Mehdi Mahdavi, Department of Chemistry, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.


Recent Awards and Honors


2023 Rising Star in Materials Science, distinguished by American Chemical Society-- ACS Materials Au

2021 – 2023    

Grant/ German Science Foundation (DFG – Eigene Stelle)/ Germany

2018 - 2020   

Grant/ German Aerospace Center (DLR)/ Germany

2016 - 2018   

Fellowship/ Austrian Science Fund (FWF) - Lise Meitner postdoctoral fellowship/ Austria

2012 – 2015  

Fellowship/ Marie Curie Early-Stage Researcher (ESR)/ Portugal


Grant/ Chemical Industry Fund (VCI) - Materials cost allowances for young university teachers/ Germany


Grant/ Postdoc-Kids & ElderCare within the Female Professors Programme II/ University of Cologne, Germany


Grant/ Kopf Frei-Postdoc-Programme for Female Professors Programme III/ University of Cologne, Germany


Grant/ Kopf Frei – Postdoc-Programme for Female Professors Programme IV/ University of Cologne, Germany


Award/ Most downloaded and cited article from Elsevier Publisher for a review paper ‘’H. Maleki*, et al., 385, 2014



Dr. Maleki is a materials chemist specializing in the design and development of advanced aerogels for biomedical applications. After earning a master’s degree in organic chemistry, I was awarded the prestigious Marie Curie Ph.D. fellowship at the University of Coimbra, Portugal, where I pioneered mechanically reinforced hybrid aerogels for aerospace thermal insulation. My postdoctoral research at the University of Salzburg, supported by the Austrian Science Fund, expanded to biopolymer-based aerogels, including the first silk-based aerogels (AeroSF) with exceptional thermal insulation and mechanical flexibility. Since 2019, during my habilitation in Germany, I have led innovative research on bio-inspired aerogels for bone tissue engineering and theragenerative medicine. With over 50 publications, ~5000 citations (h-index 29), and ~1.5 million euros in independent funding, I have built a strong international collaboration network and mentored numerous students and researchers. Recognized as a 2023 ACS Materials Au Rising Star and among the world’s top 2% most influential scientists (2022-2024, Stanford/Elsevier), I remain dedicated to advancing sustainable aerogel technologies for healthcare and beyond.

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